
KB at the BE! May 3rd--8:00


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Watch my view count blow up after I post this!

Really happy about the way this came out. Go and like! A groovy little Robyn Hitchcock song to brighten things up a bit



2020--the year that almost was

Greetings from an apartment bunker somewhere in NYC!

Just a post to let everyone know what I’ve been up to, or WOULD have been up to this year if you’d have asked me somewhere around mid-February….

Everything started glowingly because I going to go out for a few months with Dweezil Zappa on his Hot Rats tour. (Google “Zappa Hot Rats” in case you’re unfamiliar). We rehearsed in January and had gigs scheduled from February through April, ending in Australia. This was a great time—I loved the band and we were really becoming an amazing musical unit until…well you know the ending to that.


I was also scheduled to go to Germany to play again with Marius Westernhagen to support the unplugged remake of his “Pfefferminz” album. On the heels of his successful Unplugged TV special we made in 2016, then supported with two tours in 2017 and 2018, in 2019 we finished another record, a reconceptualization of the music track-by-track from one of his most popular albums. This was all set and ready to go but of course never happened. But hey….

So here we are, myself and fellow musicians, like veritable turbo-charged Maseratis idling in the GARAGE just dying to break free and come out and entertain everybody again. Wishing for everybody to stay safe, keep the curve flat, and remember how nice it is to hear music being made for real right in front of you.


